Our Services


Due Diligence

Undertaking town planning due diligence investigations prior to purchase will enable identification of statutory constraints and development opportunities associated with the property, so you know exactly what you require, and you can make an informed decision.



Development Assessment

Whether your project is large or small across all project types –residential, commercial, retail, mixed use, heritage, industrial, rural – we have the expertise to get the job done. Our involvement can be tailored to individual client needs and we are able to identify the best planning strategy to get your application over the line – on time and on budget.

Our holistic approach to development applications ensures project cost savings can be incorporated where possible, whether through negotiations with Council on conditions of approval or a streamlined assessment strategy or otherwise.



Siting Relaxations

Building an extension or garage to your existing home?  Constructing your dream house on a lot and unsure what siting and design requirements apply?  We can assess your proposal and determine if any relaxations are required from Council.  If needed, we can facilitate this and negotiate an optimal outcome with Council. 



Development Submissions

The public have the opportunity to have their say on publicly notified development applications.  If there is a development that may affect you or your property, we can assess the development and prepare a submission on your behalf. 

Lodgement of a properly made submission can assist in facilitating a better development outcome or secure third part appeal rights to an approved application.



Community Consultation

Development can oftentimes create anxiety for local communities and businesses. We can assist or facilitate community and stakeholder engagement, assisting in navigating through the public domain and ensuring the development intentions are appropriately conveyed and communicated to relevant parties.




If you have received a Show Cause or Action Notice, we are able to assist with representations on your behalf to Council (or the relevant authority) and/or facilitate the necessary development permit. 



GIS Services

We have extensive experience in GIS services, including preparation of land use mapping, subdivision mapping, data analysis and display of spatial and geographical information.



Environmentally Relevant Activities

We can assist in identifying if your development requires an approval for an Environmentally Relevant Activity (ERA), and can facilitate and manage the necessary approval.